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How do we search?

The personal consultant is hired by the client, the company looking to fill in a managing position, to look for a candidate with a specific personality and professional profile. The client describes the profile of the desired candidate. At this phase the client can name possible ideal candidates or possible candidates to be excluded from the search.

The consultant subsequently creates a company target list in which potential candidates can be found. The consultant then proceeds to contact the candidates on the telephone and evaluate them.

With the consent and interest of the candidates, a conversation (interview) is set up with the candidates. The result of this interview is summarized in a confidential report. Candidates that seem suitable are – with the consent of the client – introduced in a personal conversation (presentation). Once the candidate and the potential employer agree and sign an employment contract the search process is finalized.

We guarantee to relaunch the search without a renewed fee charge in case the employee decides to leave the company within half a year after commencement of work, whatever the reasons may be.

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